Brigade gets maximum efficiency out of its sprinkler installers through diligent attention to detail during every stage of the project.
As a valued member on many building projects, Brigade realizes the importance of orderly scheduling of manpower, materials, and equipment.
Brigade’s fire sprinkler installers set up systems according to the aesthetic needs as well as the practical demands of a building, whether the requirements call for hiding pipes in a bulkhead or laying a mile of 12-inch underground pipe.
Excellence begins with design, but it doesn’t end there. Our field expertise allows our fire sprinkler installers to anticipate your needs while always taking a highly systematic approach, yet individualized approach. Brigade continues to prove its expertise is unparalleled when it comes to state-of-the-art installations.
Whatever your fire protection needs, whether a new installation or retrofit, Brigade is prepared to utilize today’s technology to protect your future. Excellence demands that you settle for nothing less.
Quality Approach & Planning
By taking a methodical approach to each project, our installers are able to demonstrate the kind of quality workmanship envisioned in the original design. With all pipe computer stocklisted, pre-cut and numbered in our fabrication shop, our field supervisor and crew spend less time on site.
Flexible & Retrofit Ready
For system retrofit, our ability to work around continuing operations proves invaluable when the customer has a hotel, airport, hospital or office open during installation. That kind of flexibility, even when it means working off-hours or holidays, is indicative of our level of support.
Knowledgeable & Well Trained
Continual efforts are made to keep our crews the most knowledgeable in the field. We maintain constant enrollment in our company operated, BAT approved, apprenticeship, taught by our own instructors. Ongoing onsite training and MSDS communication enable our installers to maximize their time and efforts. Award-winning safety programs insure that delays and interruptions to the project are minimized.