Importance of Fire Suppression System Inspection
When you contact Brigade Fire Protection for a fire suppression system inspection, you can let go of worries and concerns about the codes. That’s our job.

Fire Sprinkler Systems Designed to Protect You
Water supply, building construction, occupancy, and building use are all aspects of fire sprinkler system design.

Fire Sprinkler Repair Save Lives
If unused for too long, fire sprinkler systems fall into disrepair. It’s vital to have regular inspections and test if fire sprinkler repair is needed.

Fire Sprinkler Systems Save Lives
As one of the largest full-service, fire protection contractors in Michigan, Brigade takes pride in providing the best fire sprinkler systems available.

Safety is a Priority at Brigade!
Brigade’s interest in producing excellence extends to our award-winning safety program. Our OSHA- approved guidelines set an industry standard as far as safety is concerned.

Sprinkler Saves
In 2015, 36% of the stories posted to the Sprinkler Saves blog occurred in residential locations, including single family homes, apartment buildings, dormitories, senior living